
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Four Noble Truths

The four noble truths are considered to be fundamental teachings of Gautama Buddha. These truths lay nates on how human beings should view his existence in this world. Others have viewed these teachings as being too pessimistic. This is because of the focus on pathetic/ pain in the neck as an inextric fitted comp unitynt of vitality. The four noble truths aim at recategorizing mans experience as cause and effect, skllful and unskillful rather than me/ non me and being/ non being (Bikkhu, 1999). The jump noble truth discusses around the nature of suffering (dukkha).It claims that the latter is experienced through our relations with others, in aging, in birth, in death, and in illness (Four formal Truths, 2007). In short, it is the case that every superstar would encounter some sort of pain whether mental or physical. Gautama Buddha tells us that we must learn to know/understand as swell as accept these sufferings as facts of life. The irregular noble truth is bear on on the origin of suffering/dukkha-samudaya. Accordingly one suffers because he/she craves, this butt joint either be sensual, for eternal existence or for self-destruction.Craving (or tanha) is a corruptness of ones mind and as such ought to be avoided (the Second baronial Truth, 2005). There is a need for us to confront and disengage ourselves of attachments, hate, and our delusions. Craving or desire can path one to lie, rat and steal in short to live a dishonest life. softness to get ones object of desire also racetracks to raise and frustration which would be self-destructive to the individual (The Cause of Suffering, 2007). To be controlled by ones desire is to remain in ignorance.The latter is considered to be the inability to see the truth about things. In tack for one to overcome this he/she must seek cognition through conjecture and study. The third noble truth is the send away of suffering. This will be make possible if one is able to rid of his/her ill will, craving , and ignorance. When we are able to end suffering, we will be able to attain full/ supreme happiness. It is the case that as one is able to transcend his/her desires and consequently pain he/she would be able to become increasingly at peacefulness and happy.Buddhist c everys this transcending as supreme enlightenment whereas the person is able to achieve the equivalent clarity as Buddha. The two main features of being enlightened is wisdom and great compassion (enlightenment, 2006). The fourth noble truth tells us how we could end suffering. Buddha teaches us that we must take the middle path in order for us to be enlightened. This goes to say that one should not live the extremes of life. unity must not live in total luxury and insaneness but he/she must also not live is elegant ascetism.Both these extremes are prone to error, even the one which seeks absolute purification of ones existence. In line with this middle path, Buddha formulates the systematic cure to suffering whi ch is the eight fold path. The latter could be seen as self-help guide on how to achieve enlightenment by following different steps. I bet that the teachings of Gautama Buddha with regards to the four noble truths can be applied in casual living and modern meditation. I believe that even if one is not an official Buddhist he/she would find meaning in these teachings.After all if we come to take a keener look at what these truths are motto we would realize that they can be used to make one lead a more clear and peaceful kind of life. The truths that Buddha speaks of can be used by anyone wanting to achieve clarity of the mind and wishes to lead a life free from internal and external conflicts. It is the case in order for a person to achieve this he must first recognize that he/she is prone to afflict him/her and others. She must take into affection that the things she does in life would be for the removal of superficial cravings instead of foolery in vanity, greed, and pride.I p ersonally believe that we would be able to apply the teachings of Buddha in our day to day existence. The cessation of over-craving, and suffering would lead to a life of personal illumination. Overcoming these tendencies would not only aid our selves but also capture for the better our relationship with other people. Buddhism gives us a path to spiritualty that manifest itself in the way we do and deal with life. References Bhikku, A. ,(1999). The Four Noble Truths A Study Guide. Retrieved family 14 2007, from http// www.accesstoinsight. org/lib/study/truths. html. (n. d. ). Four Noble Truths. Retrieved September 13, 2007, from http//buddhism. 2be. net/Four_Noble_Truths. (2005). The Second Noble Truth. In Access Insight, Retrieved September 13, 2007, from http//www. accesstoinsight. org/ptf/dhamma/sacca/sacca2/index. html. Gyatso, G. K. , (2006). Buddhism and the Four Noble Truths. in Meditate in London. Retrieved September 14, 2007, from http//www. meditateinlondon. org. uk/budd hism-the-four-noble-truths. php

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