Tuesday, May 26, 2020
IELTS Essay Samples - How To Write Good IELTS Essay Samples
IELTS Essay Samples - How To Write Good IELTS Essay SamplesIn this article I will give you some examples of its essay samples, both for bands 6.5 and band 11 as well. The advantage to most people who are considering taking up the subject is that you can choose which level you are going to go to. There are a number of different levels in each of the IELTS tests, from which you can choose one that you feel you are best suited to. However, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that I do not think you should be intimidated by the idea of choosing between bands 6.5 and band 11.The reason why I would suggest that you go for band 11 is because this is the only level where the actual reading material can be compressed into a single sheet of paper. It would therefore be more convenient if you can get this first draft done. For example, you could have it written down on a piece of paper and then you could make some alterations, such as making the correct punctuation marks.Althoug h it may seem like a good idea to choose to begin at band 6.5, the fact is that band 6.5 is going to be much easier than band 11. There are going to be many students going into bands 11 who have already received an IELTS first mark and are not going to learn the rules that well, so I would recommend that you go straight to the bands 11.There are actually two different types of IELTS tests. The first one is for the bands 6.5 and the second one is for the bands 11. If you are going to take up the subject matter which is suitable for bands 11, you will have to take band 11, because you cannot take up the subject which is appropriate for bands 6.5. Therefore, the only exception is that you can be able to sit one if you are taking up band 11.However, you must understand that a lot of students are not going to like to sit bands 11. They are in a great deal of anxiety and that makes them less likely to be able to concentrate properly, even though they have had a certain amount of practice. Although this can be frustrating, you should realise that your teacher is probably doing this for your own good.The trick to writing good essays for the band is to use a variety of different essay samples. This is not simply because you need to use essay samples as filler material, but it is because you will need to use essay samples as a stepping stone to the actual writing.By using essay samples in your essay you will be able to structure your thoughts and ideas properly and this will make your essay flow better. You may find it useful to start your essay with an example, such as a book, newspaper or magazine. You should consider the idea of making a practice essay, so that you know what to expect when it comes to writing your actual essay. By following these tips, you will be able to write a really good IELTS essay.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Online Gambling And Its Effects On Society - 967 Words
In modern society, technological advancements have caused casino gambling to shift to online, â€Å"on-the-go†, gambling. Online gambling can be effortlessly accessible to anyone over the legal age as required by various jurisdictions. Margee Hume and Gillian Mort argue that youth misperceive the definition of â€Å"gambling†, as they believe gambling is a hobby from which one can receive rewards such as money (119). As a result, those gambling for rewards, do not generally acknowledge the possible negative outcomes associated with gambling. Hume and Mort claim that the majority of the youth define gambling â€Å"as a game, as fun, and as a family activity†, others considered gambling to be â€Å"games of skill†, and lastly, a small proportion described it to be â€Å"immoral†¦ [and]†¦risky†(119). Online gambling has a negative impact on youth who resort to gambling since there is potential for addiction, financial loss, and a damaged soc ial life. The introduction of online gambling has increased the potential for addiction in society. Corporations are creating vast amounts of advertisements, encouraging more individuals to join their respective online gambling domains. Online gambling is considered to be the most addictive, compared to other games, due to â€Å"its structural characteristics, such as immediacy, accessibility, ease of betting†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Chà ³liz 1). As new members join these domains and acknowledge the simplistic format and the possible rewards, more individuals find online gambling to be a sourceShow MoreRelatedInquiring Into The Social Assignment1586 Words  | 7 Pages Inquiring into the social – Assignment 1 Draft Summary In today’s modern society there have been numerous advances in the way we live our day to day lives. These advancements have not only changed the way we operate but have inadvertently shaped our younger generation into a more hybrid form. Gambling has always been seen as a chance to win more money at the expense of one’s wallet. Yet it is often that individuals are prone to losing more rather than gaining, which has affected many by sendingRead MoreTaking a Look at Gambling669 Words  | 3 PagesGambling has been in existence for centuries, and it is gaining popularity today more than ever. With this trend, it is difficult to avoid questioning of any possible effects associated with gambling. There are many social and economic effects associated with the widespread practice. In this paper, we address these effects of gambling and its contribution to one’s poverty status in America. We also examine the large industry of gambling and the dynamics of the busines s structures and revenues. Read MoreThe States Policy On Gambling1416 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscussing what the states policy on gambling should be, one must first become familiar with the definition of gambling. Gambling is defined as â€Å"the activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or other stakes†. When people hear the word gambling, casinos, lotteries, and online gambling websites are what is most often thought of, however, these are not the only types of gambling. People can gamble throughout a variety of fashions, such as virtual gambling on tablets or smartphones, scratchRead MoreShould Internet Gambling Be Illegal?1191 Words  | 5 PagesGambling in the United States has become more than a pastime in casinos because the internet has been adapted to include online gambling. Also, gambling previously has been exclusive to adults; yet, more and more teenagers are participating in the worldwide phenomenon of fantasy sports. Personally, I have n ever found gambling appealing because I think that it is a waste of time and money. As it is, gambling has become a problem and will continue to grow unless something is changed. There are numerousRead MoreThe Legalization Of The Gambling Industry878 Words  | 4 PagesThe gambling industry is growing rapidly in the United States as gambling has become increasingly more socially acceptable than it has been in the past. Many state governments, such as Nevada, have encouraged gambling as a key source of revenue, even more so after the recession we suffered in the late 2000s. Casino hotels, which account for the majority of industry revenue, have generally become larger in markets like Las Vegas, many generating annual revenue of about $500 million, according to theRead MoreBenefits Of Gambling Among College Students1147 Words  | 5 PagesGambling Among College Students Gambling is risking money or something of value on uncertain events driven by chance. Most people see gambling as just another form of fun. Gambling often becomes a sensitive issue for the gambler and their family. This is especially important to consider, since the practice of gambling among college students is constantly growing with the rise of internet-based gambling.Though gambling is legal in many states, it does not make it right for people to engage in suchRead MoreGambling Is An Extremely Well Liked And Entertaining Activity For The Canadian Population1530 Words  | 7 PagesGambling is an extremely well liked and entertaining activity for the Canadian population. In theory, gambling can be a sense of fun and games, yet it has always been inevitably linked to the Canadian Criminal Code. It has been noticed that, â€Å"Canadians spend more on legal, government-promoted gambling than on clothing, shoes and medicine combined†(Hutchison, 1999). In 1892 all forms of ga mbling were banned in Canada, with the exception of horse racing (Stevens, R., 2005). Throughout the years CanadiansRead MorePoker Regulation Persuasive Speech Outline1124 Words  | 5 PagesPersuasive Outline Persuasive goal: Why online poker should be regulated in the states. I am persuading a question of fact, value, or policy? Policy I am persuading my audience to take action in what way? Understand online poker should be regulated and to get people to reach out to an elected official. I will focus on the following emotional appeal/need? Do what is right in a free country. I. Introduction a) Talk about how I became part of poker movement. b) On April 15th lastRead MoreEssay on Gambling Addiction In Gen. Y1308 Words  | 6 PagesGambling Addiction In Gen. Y Gambling has become a growing issue concerning the generation y. According to a survey done by Ctcclearing.com1, 80% of teenagers claimed to have gambled in some form. With a percentage that large, is the problem simply that gambling is a right of passage or are teens more susceptible to the temptations that casinos have. The Addiction Compulsive gambling is a disease among many people. The American Psychiatric Association classifiesRead MoreImpact Of Gambling On The United States1647 Words  | 7 PagesApril 2017 Gambling’s rise to Legality in the United States Gambling has been a popular activity in the United States from the 1600’s to the present day United States. As gambling grows as a worldwide enterprise, it expands the United States with the opportunities it provides and the attention it consumes. Gambling as a whole benefits different recreational activities and events such as sports. Gambling also allows people visiting places like Las Vegas to enjoy playing poker with
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Argumentative Essay The Shooting Of African American...
Oakley 1 Jackson Oakley Mrs. Schmitz Honors English III 30 March 2015 Argumentative Essay: Darren Wilson is not Racist The shooting of African American teenager Michael Brown by white officer Darren Wilson has been a hot topic of debate. Those in support of Michael Brown believe that Darren Wilson racially profiled Brown and that the shooting would have never occurred had Brown been white. Those in support of Darren Wilson state that he acted in self-defense. This argument has more evidence supporting it than the argument that Brown was racially profiled. Firstly, Michael Brown is not just an innocent victim as the African American community portrays. Shortly before Brown’s encounter with Officer Wilson, a 911 call had been placed from the Ferguson Market and Liquor store on 9101 Florissant Avenue reporting a robbery. Unfortunately, it is unknown whether or not he had a juvenile record. Brown’s record was not released because Cynthia Harcourt, the St. Louis County juvenile office’s attorney, said the â€Å"court of public opinion does not require the release of juvenile records †and that â€Å"simple curiosity was not an adequate reason to violate the privacy of Brown and his family†(â€Å"Broken Record†). Not releasing Brown’s records creates bias in favor of Brown, leading people to assume that the shooting was racially motivated. Oakley 2 Secondly, those who believe the shooting of Michael Brown was racially motivated only have witness testimony to support their claim. WitnessShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling : An American Trauma921 Words  | 4 PagesNefari Steele Argumentative Essay Due: March 1, 2017 Racial Profiling: An American Trauma One of the most imminent threats looming within American society is race relations. America is a melting pot of different races, cultures, and religions, yet the matter of racial profiling still remains prominent today. By definition it is considered â€Å"an activity carried out by enforcers of the law wherein they investigate or stop any individual in traffic or round up people of the same race or ethnicityRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesRESPONDENTS †¢ FOCUS â Luthans, Rosenkrantz, and Hennessey (1985) †¢ 52 managers in 3 organizations †¢ Participant observation of skills demonstrated by most effective versus least effective managers â Curtis, Winsor, and Stephens (1989) †¢ 428 members of the American Society of Personnel Administrators in the United States †¢ (1) Skills needed to obtain employment †¢ (2) Skills important for successful job performance †¢ (3) Skills needed to move up in the organiza tion Employment Verbal communication ListeningRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesThree Ethical Decision Criteria 187 †¢ Improving Creativity in Decision Making 188 Summary and Implications for Managers 190 S A S A S A L L L Self-Assessment Library What Are My Gender Role Perceptions? 166 glOBalization! Chinese Time, North American Time 171 Myth or Science? Creative Decision Making Is a Right-Brain Activity 181 Self-Assessment Library Am I A Deliberate Decision Maker? 183 An Ethical Choice Whose Ethical Standards to Follow? 185 Self-Assessment Library How Creative Am I? 190
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Climate Change Global Warming - 1715 Words
At the GLACIER Conference, President Obama said, â€Å"climate change is no longer some far off problem; it is happening here; it is happening now†. President Barack Obama states a good fact; climate change is affecting the world tremendously. The glaciers are melting at an astonishing rate and the surface temperature of the world is only increasing. Currently, scientists argue that climate change intensified because of human activity; however, the circumstance is quite the opposite. Global warming refers to the rising surface temperature, whereas climate change includes warming and the effects - like melting glaciers, heavier rainstorms, or more frequent drought (Kennedy and Lindsey). Human produced gases play a factor in global warming but humans are not responsible for climate change because global warming only represents one aspect of climate change. Although human activity plays a part in global warming, human activity is not primarily responsible for climate change beca use the fluctuations of the sun’s heat is responsible for the increased surface temperature, the levels of human produced CO2 do not correlate with the increase in surface temperature and the computerized climate models display inadequate and incorrect information. Human activity is consistently alleged with warming the earth’s surface by 1-1.4 °F throughout the 20th century; however, the main advocate is shown to be the sun (ProCon). In a span of about 10,000 years, the suns period of which its sunspotsShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change974 Words  | 4 Pagesabout global warming, whether it is true or false. Is there evidence to prove that global warming has impacted the climate due to the rise in the earth’s temperature? Climate change is a problem that is worldwide that should be reviewed. The rise in the earth’s temperature has caused some impact to the weather and climate changes to many places worldwide. This rise in tempe rature has the potential of causing drastic changes to the earth in many ways. It is time to view the global warming concernsRead MoreClimate Change Of Global Warming924 Words  | 4 Pages Figure 0.1 shows the different effects of global warming. Global warming is the warming of our planet at an extreme rate. The Earth’s climate has warmed by 7.8OC since 1880. (Quick facts about science, 2015). What causes global warming? The cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide. This acts like a blanket. Protecting the earth, and heating the earth. Sun rays would normally bounce around the earth, but with the blanket, the sun rays heat the blanket which heats the earth. (Petersen ScienceRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change1398 Words  | 6 Pages Global warming and climate change have been frequent topics of discussion over the past several years. Although people tend to focus on the politics, it is important to look past the media aspects of it into the cold hard facts of what our Earth is currently experiencing, and what has caused it in the first place. The cause of climate change includes natural causes, but human causes are what is generating such a rapid global temperature change. It’s time that the ways in which humanity affectsRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1060 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change (Klaus) 1000 The terms â€Å"global warming†, â€Å"climate change†or â€Å"greenhouse effect†have become more than just parts of the popular lexicon as they rather are subject of public discussions, scientific research or political debates. Despite the popularity and the ubiquity of these terms, the public’s theoretical and conceptual understanding of them and their causal relations is often based on superficial knowledge and buzzwords or caricatures outlined and depicted in several popular mediaRead MoreClimate Change : Global Warming1194 Words  | 5 PagesDonya Curtis April 19, 2017 English 1001-rough draft Global Warming Global warming is one facet of the broader term climate change. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth s surface air and oceans from the mid 20th century and the projected continuation. The Global warming is primarily the consequence of building up greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Emission rates for most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, CO2, have increased 120 fold in the past 140 years. WhileRead MoreClimate Change and Global Warming1074 Words  | 5 PagesClimate change and Global Warming are out of control. This means that, no matter what policies, processes or actions are implemented, the Earth as we know it will never be the same again. There is significant evidence to support this hypothesis. The dilemma becomes whether we can limit the damage and adapt to a new status quo or not. Rising sea levels and the damage caused by this phenomenon has irreversible impacts on coastlines worldwide. Damage to sensitive reef systems cannot be fixed. This alsoRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1022 Words  | 5 PagesWhat = Climate Change Who = Emma, Aoife, Julia, Rachael, Mariah and Cà ©line What is it? Climate Change is a change in the demographic distribution of weather patterns, and related change in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, happening over time scales of decades or longer. It’s the world’s greatest threat. Climate change is the change in temperature over a period of time. It involves the greenhouse effect and global warming. Where is it? It is an issue affecting everyone everywhere. ClimateRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1474 Words  | 6 Pagesphenomenon, known as â€Å"smog†became an often daily occurrence in big, urbanized cites across the globe. Also, Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth, popularized the issue of climate change and global warming as a result of the damage that the modern world has done to the atmosphere. He noted that people resist the facts about climate change due to the inconvenience of changing their lifestyles. But, uninhibited industrialization of several countries has led to intense modernization and revolution of theRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming928 Words  | 4 PagesThis paper will discuss climate change and global warming on the economy. The paper also gives a description on climate change and global warming. As well as what it hold for future business owners. It will also discuss what the government is doing about climate change/global warming. Climate change is a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather (including its averages). For example, it could show up as a change in climate normal (expected average values for temperature and precipitation)Read MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1630 Words  | 7 PagesClimate Related Threats Global warming will lead to uncontrollable devastation such as famine, war, and economic instability. Climate change will accelerate the dislocation of hundreds of millions of people and the extinction of many species. The negative effects of climate change are obvious on every continent. Professor Le Quere, director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia said, The human influence on climate change is clear. The atmosphere and
Law Enforcement in the 21st Century - 15936 Words
Law Enforcement in a Democratic Society cha pt er 1 ISBN 0-558-46766-0 Law Enforcement in the 21 Century, Second Edition, by Heath B. Grant and Karen J. Terry. Published by Allyn Bacon. Copyright  © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. st Chapter Out line INTRODUCTION The Themes of the Book The Police Function: Social Control and the Use of Force Policing Within the Rule of Law: The Challenges of Discretion The Delicate Balance: Crime Control versus Due Process The Levels of Law Enforcement Municipal Agencies County Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies Department of Justice Department of Homeland Security Department of the Treasury U.S. Postal Service Tribal Agencies Chapter Objectives ââ€" Describe the concept of linkage blindness and†¦show more content†¦Grant and Karen J. Terry. Published by Allyn Bacon. Copyright  © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. st Introduction 5 agency. Given the complexity of both the intelligence and law enforcement communities and their many overlapping jurisdictions, it was inevitable that key information would slip through the cracks between agencies. The inability to analyze and link critical information across (or even within an agency) is referred to as linkage blindness and will be a major theme throughout this book. In part, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, and its reauthorization in 2005 were executive and legislative responses to the problem of linkage blindness by organizing diffuse and autonomous law enforcement agencies and strengthening the government’s abilities to obtain information. Stephen Flynn (2001) provides a useful illustration of this critical law enforcement problem, referring to the arrival of a hypothetical ship with questionable cargo and a crew on an intelligence watch list for potential terrorist ties: The Coast Guard would be likely to know about the scheduled arrival of a tanker carrying hazardous cargo. The Customs Service might have some advance cargo manifest information. The INS might or might not know much about the crew, dependingShow MoreRelatedImplementing The President s Task Force On 21st Century Policing Essay1749 Words  | 7 Pagesthe President s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The Task Force Members sought expertise from stakeholders and input from the public through Listening Sessions, teleconferences and written comments as they worked to identify best practices and make recommendations to the President. The Task Force submitted an initial report to the President on March 2, 2015 and released the final report on May 18, 2015 (Final report of the resident’s task force on 21st century policing, 2015). Society in generalRead More21st Century Policing Enforcement Agencies Essay1597 Words  | 7 Pages 21st Century Policing -1 Lt. Robert Boney/SLMPD The nation was jarred by events that occurred in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri; Staten Island, New York; Cleveland, Ohio; and in 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland. These events which followed officer-involved incidents in these American cities and around the nation exposed deep divides between communities and their police departments. As theRead MoreA Theoretical Framework For Recruiting Asian American Police Candidates843 Words  | 4 PagesStates, law enforcement agencies must search beyond traditional methods to attract potential Asian-American police candidates (Crump, 2011). It is not to say that traditional methods of recruiting are ineffective in today’s 21st century policing, but rather, law enforcement agencies must utilize both traditional and non-traditional methods to recruit and hire the most qualified Asian-Americans. By analyzing, assessing, evaluating, and combining the works of several law enforcement scholars regardingRead MoreHistorical Development of Police Agencies Essay866 Words  | 4 PagesRunning head: Law Enforcement Law Enforcement December 12, 2011 Introduction The criminal justice system has many components that make up its system. This paper will explore the historical development of police agencies and their jurisdiction, while analyzing their roles in contemporary society. It will describe the main types of law enforcement agencies, including local, state, and federal agencies and theirRead MoreHistorical Development of Police Agencies Essay1536 Words  | 7 Pagesby money, and lost focus on enforcing the law. Policing was considered reactive in nature. This began to change as did society, industrialism and urbanization, brought with it a rise in crime, causing police to shift towards a more proactive approach to law enforcement. In the 1800’s new technologies began another change with better response times and communications. The 20th century brought even more technologies which continue to aid law enforcement today. This era also brought to the attentionRead MoreCriminal Justice and Leading U.S. Supreme Court Cases , Annotated Bibliography1035 Words  | 5 Pagesterms is a source reference with respect to criminal law, constitutional law, and criminal procedure. The major focus of this book includes explained mandates of over 1000 U.S. Supreme Court cases and this book details key terms and definitions. Grant, H.B. and Terry, K.J. 2008: Law Enforcement in the 21st Century. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall. Law Enforcement in the 21st Century gives an extensive view of law enforcement practices at all levels and the limitations withinRead MoreHow Terrorism Law Enforcement Prepares For Terrorism814 Words  | 4 Pagesthe law enforcement community. Guidelines have been implemented in order to better prepare law enforcement agencies in handling suspected terrorist and potential targets for attacks. Nationwide agencies have been created to better serve local law enforcement agencies investigate potential terroristic threats, and alleviate any unsolved questions of what is required to better protect the security of the U.S. Due to terrorist attacks that have occurred across the world and in the U.S., law enforcementRead MorePolice Professionalism And Police Officers Essay1376 Words  | 6 Pagescontrolling dishonest, unethical, and offensive actions by police (p. 116). Just as President Johnson assembled the commission after the rise in riots in the 1960’s, President Obama signed an order in 2014 to establish the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing after the Michael Brown incident in Ferguson. In the interest of time and space I’ll try to condense it down to the basics. President Obama stated: When any part of the American family does not feel like it is being treated fairly, that’sRead MoreLaw Enforcement Education And Training1703 Words  | 7 PagesLaw Enforcement Education and Training in the 21st Century and its Relation to Police Professionalization There is a great debate over the question of whether American law enforcement has achieved the status of a profession. In order to answer this question, there is a need to define what a profession is and identify the requisite attributes that qualifies an occupation to be identified as a profession. Criminal justice administrators have been actively pursuing professionalization for their chosenRead MoreCritical Issues in Policing1107 Words  | 5 Pagescritical issues in policing. The main critical issues of policing are: use of deadly force, police deviance, police prejudice and discrimination, violence, substance abuse, and police brutality as well as other police misconduct. Not only do law enforcement agencies have to deal with critical issues within their agencies, they also have to deal with critical issues that pertain to the public. Officers put their lives at risk every day. When they put on their uniforms and go out into the field they
Analyzes the Case of ASIC v Citigroup
Question: Discuss about the Analyzes the Case of ASIC v Citigroup. Answer: Introduction: This report analyzes the case of ASIC v Citigroup (2007) that was about fiduciary duty. Citigroup is an American based multinational investment banking and financial service provider. Along with this, this report provides the detail introduction of the case happened between ASIC and Citigroup. Furthermore, it identifies and analyzes the duties breached in the case and address the reason why the duties were breached. Eventually, the report provides a detailed analysis of the finding and final decision of the court in regarding the given case and reason behind the given decision. Case Introduction: This case study is about the role of relationship clause in setting a contractual obligation and describing the duties and obligation of the parties. This case is about City Group. City Group operated its business through different unit and divisions such as investment banking, equity trading, equity capital market and others. The employees in Investment Banking Division and Equity Capital Market were provided with the market sensitive data and information while the employees in equity were not treated so (Ferguson and Ma, 2014). The organization built a wall for restricting the communication and flow of information among the different departments and units. The equity employees of the organization bought shares in Patrick Corporation Limited on Australian Security Exchange. The purchase was taken place while IBD and ECM of City Group were doing act for Toll. The ASIC commended proceed against Citigroup for this reason. Along with this, ASIC sued against Citigroup for breaching its obligation and fiduciary duty (Ferguson and Ma, 2014). Citigroup was an advisor but it positioned itself in disputes with Toll by purchasing share of Patrick. This caused the fiduciary relationship between Toll and Citigroup. The interest of the Citigroup was conflicted with its duty of loyalty to Toll for financial advising. It means Citigroup had infringed the statutory and legal provisions that regulate the financial service providers (Ferguson and Ma, 2014). However, Toll decided to keep the Citigroup as its financial advisor clearly excepting the fiduciary relationship between them. The company accepted that Citigroup has been kept as a sole advisor to the company. ASIC (Australian Security and Investment Commission) put efforts to resolve and remove the effects of this clause by presenting an argument that relationship between Toll and Citigroup should ha ve to be taken into account to determine the existence of the fiduciary relationship. Breach of duty: Breach of duty is a legal and statutory situation or disturbance that occurs when one party in the contract fails to perfume its duty of care to another party. The incompliance with the legal and ethical obligation and regulations causes a breach of duty. The duty of care means the obligation imposed on the individual or parties involved in the contract for acting considering the welfare and wellbeing of the others concerned to the project or contract (Braid, 2013). Therefore, in this case, the fiduciary duty and insider trading are two main issues. The Citigroup was alleged for breaching the duty of care and duty of loyalty. The duty of loyalty is the duty and responsibility of the directors and managers to be not engaged in transactions in which its personal interest conflicts with others. It is said to be breached when an organization takes business opportunities and advantages from other businesses (Carson, 2015). At the same time, the duty of care of Citigroup was to not to be i nvolved in the actions and transaction that could not harm to Toll. The fiduciary duty can be defined as higher standard determined for the duty of care. The fiduciary relationship is where one party depends on other for fiduciary relation (Jade, 2017). The Australian Security and Investment Commission did not sue against ET for possessing the insider information and using it for purchasing the shares. The main issue was that the Citigroup infringed the fiduciary duty under the section 912A (1), Corporation Act, 2001 (ASIC, 2016). According to this section, the fiduciary duty is the duty of the directors and managers to not to do any act that might cause a loss for others. Furthermore, Citigroup found guilty of breaching the provisions defined in section 1043 H of Corporation Act, 2001 and section 12 DA under ASIC Act. Along with this, the Citigroup has infringed the provisions related to insider trading defined in section of1043A of Corporation Act, 2001 (Seeto, 2017). ASIC alleged that employees ET division was exposed to the internal information of the organization that led to the insider trading. This was for the personal interest of Citigroup. Therefore, the AISC alleged on Citigroup that the company was engaged in the insider trading and breached its duty and responsibility to seeking organization. The investment banking, equity trading, and equity capital market are three units and divisions of the Citigroup. The Citigroup breached the duty of care and duty of loyalty as there was a Chinese wall between the units that restrict the flow of information between them. Along with this, ET was not exposed to the information. The employees of the purchased the share of the Patrick about which the investment banking was not aware (Ferguson and Ma, 2014). ET showed its personal financial conflicts while IB had to protect the financial interest of the Toll. But the interest of ET and conflicted with the interest of Toll. This caused a breach of the duty of care. Along with this, The IB failed to protect the interest of Toll and failed to perform its duty to Toll. This was said to be a breach of loyalty. Analysis of Court decision and reasons for the decisions: In the case of Australian Securities and Investments Commission vs. Citigroup Global Markets Australia Pty Limited, federal court has rejected the ASIC claim against the Citigroup. The court declared that Citigroup is not contravened its obligations and did not breach the provision of corporation act. Along with this, Citigroup also did not breach the insider trading provisions of corporation act. The ASIC sought the $1 million from the Citigroup for the breach of insider trading, Chinese walls it is because Investment banking division of the Citigroup was the advisor of Toll for the takeover of Patrick and Toll Holdings proposed a takeover before takeover of Patrick. The Peter Jacobson justice of federal court ruled against the ASIC to pay the legal fees of Citigroup (Jacobson, 2007). In the case, it was founded that Citigroup did not breach the insider trading provisions and obligations of corporation act. In this case, ASIC claimed against the Citigroup that Citigroup breach the f iduciary relationship, did not have arrangements to manage the conflicts, Citigroup also conducts the deceptive and misleading, and Citigroup also breached the insider trading provisions. But federal court rejected all the claims made by ASIC against the Citigroup. The court also declared that Citigroup did not breach the corporation act in the business activities. The main reason for rejecting the first claim was that Citigroup and Toll are not in a fiduciary relationship because Citigroup act as an independent contractor and it has not capacity of fiduciary. Therefore, no fiduciary relationship exists between contact (mandate letter) of Citigroup and Toll (Ritchie, 2008). At the same time, the court also rejected the second claim of ASIC that Citigroup did not have arrangements to manage the conflicts because company was not involved in a fiduciary relationship and has Chinese walls for the arrangements of management conflicts. The Citigroup has Chinese walls for the arrangements of conflicts as each department of company is separate from each other, monitoring by compliance officers, and has disciplinary sections in each department for breaching the wall. Furthermore, it is founded that Citibank and Toll were not in a fiduciary relationship and based on this company is also not involved in misleading and deceptive conduct. Moreover, the claim of ASIC that Citigroup breaches the provisions of insider trading in corporations act. But court also rejected this claim of ASIC and declared that Citigroup is not involved in insider trading, ASIC claimed that Citigroup engaged in insider trading when company purchases the shares of Patrick which were sold by the public (Ritchie, 2008). ASIC also stated that trader also told to Citigroup to stop buying of shares from public that indicates that company was acting for the takeover of Patrick. In order to prove that Citigroup was involved in insider trading, ASIC needs to prove that trader was the employee of Citigroup, but ASIC was unable to prove the case. Therefore, based on above analysis it can be said that Citigroup was success in this case and does not breach any provisions or duty of corpo rations act. Conclusion: From the analysis of above case, it can be concluded that Citigroup has various business divisions such as Investment Banking division (IBD), equities trading department, and Equity Capital Markets division. The Investment banking division was the advisor of Toll and Toll was announced its bid for Patrick for its takeover but Equities trading department purchased shares in Patrick Corporation Limited. In this case, ASIC claimed that Citigroup breaches the duty of care, loyalty, provision of insider trading, and fiduciary duties. But federal court rejected the claims of ASIC that Citigroup did not breach any duty or provision of the corporations act because company has physical separation by departments. References: ASIC (2016). 07-171 Decision in ASIC v Citigroup. Retrieved from https://asic.gov.au/about-asic/media-centre/find-a-media-release/2007-releases/07-171-decision-in-asic-v-citigroup/ Braid, E. (2013). IS MY FINANCIAL ADVISOR A FIDUCIARY OR A STOCKBROKER? Retrieved from https://www.highpassasset.com/blog/58-is-my-financial-advisor-a-fiduciary-or-a-stockbroker.html Carson, B. (2015). Is Your Financial Advisor a Fiduciary? Retrieved from https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/the-smarter-mutual-fund-investor/2015/03/19/is-your-financial-advisor-a-fiduciary Ferguson, D. and Ma, C. (2014). Addisons Contractual Interpretation Series Relationship clauses can fiduciary obligations be avoided? Retrieved from https://www.addisonslawyers.com.au/knowledge/assetdoc/5566d4592c364479/Addisons%20Contractual%20Interpretation%20Series%20Relationship%20Clauses.pdf Jacobson, D. (2007). ASIC V CITIGROUP DECISION: NO CONFLICT AND NO INSIDER TRADING. Retrieved from: https://www.brightlaw.com.au/asic-v-citigroup-decision-no-conflict-and-no-insider-trading/ Jade (2017). Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Citigroup Global Markets Australia Pty Limited (ACN 113 114 832) (No. 4) [2007] FCA 963. Retrieved from https://jade.io/article/11171 Ritchie, T. (2008). ASIC v Citigroup: An Amber Light For Proprietary Trading. Retrieved from: https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/ElderLRev/2008/2.pdf Seeto, G. (2017). ASIC v Citigroup - The compliance implications. Retrieved from https://www.claytonutz.com/knowledge/2008/january/asic-v-citigroup-the-compliance-implications
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Financial and Managerial Accounting
Question: Discuss about the Financial and Managerial Accounting. Answer: Introduction: The essay will have comparison and contrast among cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, break-even (BEP) analysis and contribution margin (CM) analysis. The above three component are the three major areas in managerial or management accounting. Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis is a simplified model in the managerial accounting. In CVP analysis, there is a critical part involved where, the total cost is equal to total revenue, and the total cost includes both fixed cost and variable cost. CVP analysis can define as the effect of output volume on the net profit, expense, and sales (Horngren et al., 2013). CVP analysis is useful for evaluating the targeted sales in units as well as in pounds. CVP analysis has a certain assumption, which is used in the evaluation of break-even analysis. The assumptions include firstly, the product mix ratio will be constant if the company sells more than one type of product. Secondly, the total cost will be categorized into fixed and variable cost. Fourthly, all the produced units should be sold. Fifthly, in a certain range of activity, the behavior of cost and revenue will be continuous. Sixthly, the factor affecting costs in the only reason for changes in the activity. Seventhly, under the CVP analysis sales price, variable price, and fixed price will be constant. Eighthly, under this inventory level at the beginning and the end is not important. Lastly, the productivity and efficiency regarding sales will not change. The cost drivers are the measures of output regarding resources and activities. It is very much necessary to have cost drivers in the organization. For evaluating cost behavior, the cost is based on the volume (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). Cost driver of the variable cost does not change with the total cost. An example of variable cost is the cost of direct material, direct labor, software license and sales commission. Cost driver of the fixed cost changes with the total cost but within a specific range. Examples of fixed cost are real estate tax, computer equipment depreciation, rents, and space. The basic formula for CVP analysis is [PX = VX + FC+ Profit] Where, P = Price per unit; V = Variable cost per unit; X = Total number of unit produced or sold and FC = Fixed cost. Break-even (BEP) analysis is the point where at the level of sales, revenue will be equal to sales. Break-even Analysis is a useful tool in evaluating the level of production and in the target of the sales mix. BEP analysis will have a close look at the level of fixed cost which will be related to the profit earned by each and every department for sold and produced the unit. The company with low fixed cost will have low BEP. BEP is utilized for determining the relationship among profitability and product lines (Needles et al., 2013). In simple words, BEP is calculated for knowing the minimum level of the unit needs to be produced for covering the expense of the product. Under this fixed cost do not change with the change in level. Variable cost will change with the change in a level of production, or it is directly proportion to sales and production. Break-even is very useful in taking a decision like expansion, operations. Break-even point is measuring point for determining the marg in of safety by comparing the revenue with the units sold for covering fixed and variable cost regarding sales. BEP has certain assumptions which include firstly, the fixed cost will be constant, and do not change with the level of production. Secondly, the average variable cost will be constant, in the range of linearity. Thirdly, it further assumes that produced quantity will be equal to sold quantity. Finally, the sales mix is assumed to be constant where multi products are produced. On the basis of above assumption formula of BEP will be given as, either, BEP (units) = Fixed Cost / (Selling price p.u. Variable cost p.u.) or as, BEP (units) = Fixed cost / (Contribution Margin p.u.). Contribution Margin (CM) Analysis is the part of accounting principal which is helpful in evaluating the profitability of the company or the product. CM examines the margin of residual after subtracting variable expense from selling expense. CM will be excluding all variable expenses form revenue. The analysis will be evaluating offerings for the targeted acquisition which will be part of the diligence process (Warren et al., 2013). Contribution Margin per minute is also called throughout per minute. Contribution Margin will be considered as the fraction of sales that will be contributing the offsets of fixed cost. Contribution Margin is the each sale unit which is added to profit for giving the slope of the profit line. Contribution Margin is depicted regarding margin. Contribution Margin will be calculated in three forms: ratio, per unit and total. Formula of the Contribution margin is given as, Contribution Margin = Sales Variable cost. However, by contrasting all the BEP Analysis, Contribution Margin and CVP Analysis, it can be said that the cost volume profit (CVP) analysis is a simplified model in the managing accounting. On the other hand, the BEP Analysis is a part of managerial accounting and financial accounting and the contribution margin (CM) analysis is a part of the accounting principal. In case of the Cost Volume Profit Analysis, the entire sales price, variable price and the fixed price will be constant but for the BEP Analysis, the fixed cost is only constant. On the contrary, in case of contribution margin, there is no effect on the fixed cost. The product mix ratio will be constant for Cost Volume Profit analysis, the sales mix will be constant for BEP analysis and the contribution margin has no effect. In case of Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis, the variable cost does not change with total cost but for BEP analysis the variable cost changes with total cost and with level of production. On the othe r hand, for the contribution margin the variable cost changes with total cost and with level of production. Fixed cost changes with total cost in case of CVP analysis and fixed cost remains constant with the level of production and with the total cost in case of BEP analysis. Nevertheless, in case of contribution margin, it has no effect on the fixed cost. CVP analysis can be defined as the effect of output volume on the net profit, expense and sales. BEP is calculated for knowing the minimum level of the unit needs to be produced for covering the expense of the product. However, the Contribution Margin is depicted regarding the margin. On the overall, it has been observed that BEP Analysis, CVP Analysis, and Contribution Margin are an essential part of maintaining the accounts as well as for measuring the performance of the product as well as the company. Reference list Horngren, C.T., Sundem, G.L., Schatzberg, J.O. and Burgstahler, D., 2013.Introduction to management accounting. Pearson Higher Ed. Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A., 2015.Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Needles, B.E., Powers, M. and Crosson, S.V., 2013.Financial and managerial accounting. Nelson Education. Warren, C.S., Reeve, J.M. and Duchac, J., 2013.Financial managerial accounting. Cengage Learning.
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