Saturday, December 28, 2019
Learn All About Primate Cities
The term primate city may sound like something in a zoo but it actually has nothing to do with monkeys. It refers to a city which is greater than two times the next largest city in a ​nation (or contains over one-third of a nations population). The primate city is usually very expressive of the national culture and often the capital city. The law of the primate city was first created by geographer Mark Jefferson in 1939. Examples: Addis Ababa is the primate city of Ethiopia - its population outshines that of all other cities in the country. Do Primate Citys Matter? If youre from a country that doesnt have a primate city it can be hard to understand the significance of them. It is hard to imagine one city being responsible for the cultural, transportation, economic and governmental needs of the rest of the country. In the United States, for example, these roles are usually played by cities like Hollywood, New York, Washinton D.C. and Los Angeles. While independent movies are made in every state the majority of the films that all Americans watch are created in Hollywood and Los Angeles. Those two cities are responsible for part of the cultural entertainment that the rest of the nation watches. Is New York City a Primate City? Surprisingly, even with its huge population of over 21 million residents, New York is not a primate city. Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States with a population of 16 million. This means that the United States lacks a primate city. This isnt surprising given the geographic size of the country. Even cities within the country are larger in size than that of an average European city. This makes it far less likely for a primate city to occur. Just because it isnt a primate city doesnt mean New York isnt important. New York is what is known as a Global City, this means it is financially significant to the rest of the world. In other words, events which affect the city also affect the global financial economy. This is why a natural disaster in one city can cause the stock market of another country to dip. The phrase also refers to cities that do a huge amount of global business. The term global city was coined by the sociologist Saskia Sassen.  Signs of Inequality Sometimes primate cities form because of a concentration of higher-paying white collar jobs in one city. As jobs in manufacturing and agriculture decline, more people are driven towards cities. Unemployment in rural areas can contribute to wealth concentrations in urban areas. This is made worse by the fact that most of the higher paying jobs are located within cities. The further people get from city centers the harder time they have finding well-paying jobs. This creates a vicious cycle of economically depressed small towns and overpopulated large cities. It is easier for primate cities to form in smaller nations because there are fewer cities for the population to choose from.
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Effects Of Religion On School Performance - 867 Words
Why do some people spend hours upon hours doing homework while others don’t even know what homework is? Why is school easy to some while almost impossible to others? Almost everyone has wondered these questions at least once throughout their school career. Religion is one area that is alleged to have a great effect on school performance. Therefore, students who are active in religion should be expected to perform better in school. Whether a child’s increased performance comes from the values which his or her religion pushes or from the environment they are immersed in, some aspect of religion is thought to affect school performance. Religion is an important factor in almost everyone’s life, even if they claim to be non-religious. Religion has somehow affected several parts of everyone’s life, whether adversely or advantageously. A majority of people have a personal story about how finding or losing religion has changed their lives and ambitions drastically. One could realize a greater being/cause exist or that their current life is all they have. Even though religion is the cause of countless areas of debate there is almost no controversy in merely studying how religion affects different areas of your life. Almost all debated topics relate to religion in one way or another. For example, religion strongly affects political affiliation which is an extremely controversial topics. However, none of the controversial topics of religion will be a problem in my research. KnowingShow MoreRelatedIs Religion An Effective Deterrent Against Juvenile Delinquency?1363 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Question(s): Is religion an effective deterrent against juvenile delinquency? If not then what are other effective deterrents? Intro: Children are characterized as being innocent or at least not responsible for their action since science shows that their brains are not yet fully formed. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Anterograde Amnesia free essay sample
Amnesia Most of us take for granted our ability to recall aspects of the past. We may sulk at having to memorize long lists of notes in preparation for an exam. However, many of us do not realize that there are numerous people who suffer from anterograde amnesia due to a severe mental or physical trauma. These individuals struggle to perform tasks that involve even the most menial forms of memorization. Many researchers intrigued with the topic of anterograde amnesia have written scientific articles on the condition, some describing specific aspects of the memory deficit while others investigating possible treatments for it. Two articles concerning anterograde amnesia, â€Å"SenseCam as a rehabilitation tool in a child with anterograde amnesia†by Pauly-Takacs et al. and â€Å"Widespread cognitive impairment in psychogenic anterograde amnesia†by Kumar et al. , each explore the subject in a different light. Pauly-Takacs et al. escribes a case study to propose SenseCam as a possible treatment for the condition, as well as provides general information regarding the topic to establish the intended audience as one of ordinary people. Kumar et al. wrote his article to inform the scientific community about a specific type of anterograde amnesia and its effects on overall mental ability, and he uses scientific terms without clarifying their meanings in order to target his writing for an audience of experts. In her article, Pauly-Takacs et al. ncludes information about a study involving SenseCam as a method to enhance memory retention for a young boy suffering from anterograde amnesia. Thirteen-year-old CJ developed the amnesia after removal of a brain tumor and treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy (p. 705). The author almost immediately establishes her credibility in the article by stating that radiotherapy’s detrimental effects on cognition have already been â€Å"well documented†(p. 705). She also provides a multitude of sources throughout the article, suggesting that she has thoroughly researched the topic and is well-informed. Pauly-Takacs et al. includes in her article descriptive background information, which establishes it as one written for an audience of ordinary people who do not know much about the subject. For example, she describes the main changes in the brain that cause the post-treatment amnesia, as well as defines the two memory systems involved in the study: episodic and semantic. The author’s purpose in writing this article was to inform the general public about a possibly effective rehabilitation technique through the use of SenseCam. It is also implied that the author would like to see future experiments with SenseCam, as she states that the device would be useful in other case studies involving semantic memory (p. 711). In the second article, Kumar et al. provides insight on a patient with a certain type of anterograde amnesia originating from a mental trauma, as well as describes the various cognitive consequences of the condition. Since the author uses words such as â€Å"bilateral modified electroconvulsive therapy†(p. 583) and â€Å"working memory and remote memory†(p. 84) without any further description, it is evident that he wrote this article for scientists working in the same field. Also, the author provides information on a specific type of anterograde amnesia that will certainly be irrelevant to the mainstream audience. Kumar et al. institutes his authority and demonstrates his in-depth knowledge on the subject by implementing a variety of scientific vocabulary and by providing detailed cognitive assessments of the patient with psychogenic anterograde amnesia. He also uses a variety of sources throughout the article, especially during his description of the assessments. Towards the end of the article, Kumar et al. asserts that an increase in glucocorticoids may be a possible explanation for the cognitive effects of the disorder (p. 584). In stating this, it seems as though he would like to see more scientific research conducted in the future concerning the role of glucocorticoids in psychogenic anterograde amnesia. Although both articles were written on the same topic of anterograde amnesia, they contained many similarities and differences. One similarity is that both of them were presented as informative experiments, each involving a case study on a cognitively impaired patient. The scientific nature of the articles is unique in the sense that it presents a problem in a purely informative and unbiased manner. Unlike other pieces of writing, these scientific articles provide charts with content used as evidence, and they do not attempt to sway the opinions of the readers. The two writings are also alike in that their authors seem to be equally credible, as each provided detailed insight on their subjects as well as numerous sources to back up their claims. Both articles also left the possibility of further research. For the first, new trials can further test SenseCam’s effectiveness as an anterograde amnesia rehabilitation tool; while for the second, additional experiments can test for glucocorticoids as a main cause of the psychogenic anterograde amnesia. Perhaps one of the key differences between the articles is the contrasting audiences they were intended for and how it affected their content. Since the author of the first article wrote for the general audience, she had to include definitions and descriptions to clarify words that might confuse an ordinary reader. The other author was able to assume that he was writing to an audience of scientists, so his writing was much more abrupt and to-the-point. Another difference between the articles is their purposes for being written. The purpose of the first was to describe a possible treatment for anterograde amnesia, while that of the second was to merely inform the scientific community of a specific type of the condition.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Analysis of act 1, scene 5 Essay Example For Students
Analysis of act 1, scene 5 Essay The scene starts off with the serving-men preparing for the party. This section has no great importance, although it does help to set the mood. It shows that everyone is really excited about the party, even the servants, who probably wouldnt even be able to go out into the party. The servants are all preparing for the party and somebody Potpan is late. They are rushing because they know that nothing can go wrong. They themselves are even excited, even though it is not their party. This shows that the party must be a very important one. The serving-men all have strange names, this is because the houses they were serving would call them by the jobs that they did. I think that having the serving-men at the beginning of the scene is good, as just starting the scene with Capulet would not have made the mood seem as exciting. When Capulet comes in to welcome the guests, he is very jolly. He speaks very fast, and seems to babble on a bit. I think that this is effective because, when someone is excited, they talk a lot. In this scene, Capulet is feeling very generous, proud, and jolly. He also, I think feels a bit tipsy, flirty and welcoming. Capulet is very proud of his party, and wants to impress all of his guests, and give them a good time. The last thing that he would want is any trouble at all. Capulet goes back to when he was younger, and chats to another Capulet about the good old days. He reminisces in the classic way of saying What, man! tis not so much, tis not so much! Or in other words, he cant believe how long ago it was that they danced together. He is not totally jolly all the way through it though, as he does start to feel a bit sad about him getting old. Now he is older, and married, he cant wear a mask, and he certainly cant whisper into fair ladies ears. He says I have seen the day that I have worn a visor, and could tell a whispering tale in a fair ladys ear. In this quote, he is beginning to feel a little sad. He cant get away with being a bit mischievous, and getting away with things that he shouldnt really do. When he was younger, he could get away with it because he had a mask on, but now he is married. To imprint this, Shakespeare repeats Capulets words in this quote: tis gone, tis gone, tis gone. Tybalt and Capulet talk. When Tybalt first sees Romeo at their Capulet party, he is really angry and goes to Lord Capulet to complain, and try to get Romeo kicked out. Lord Capulet is feeling very jolly, and tells Tybalt harshly to put up with him. Lord Capulet is the host of the party, and is very proud of it. He was obviously, by his words very proud of the party and so when Tybalt came to him wanting to cause trouble over Romeo being at the party he could see that it would cause a scene. Lord Capulets mood changed a lot when he was talking to Tybalt, he changed from being very happy and jolly, to being very stern and showing he was in charge. I think, that if Lord Capulet had known that Romeo was going to seduce Juliet, then he would have felt a lot different about him being at the party. However, he wanted absolutely no trouble, and as he told Tybalt, Romeo had a good reputation. .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 , .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .postImageUrl , .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 , .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537:hover , .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537:visited , .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537:active { border:0!important; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537:active , .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537 .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u45a332c262e934902ff9c0bb8ffe8537:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How does Shakespeare Present Love in Romeo and Juliet EssayThe next section of the scene is when Romeo and Juliet see each other. In this section, Romeo says how he then realised that he actually never loved Rosaline, and never really knew about love. He realises that he had misjudged what love was like, because before he saw Juliet, he thought that love was not a nice emotion to feel. He was depressed when he loved Rosaline, because he desperately wanted something he couldnt have. He also realised that the thought of Rosaline and him together was just like a crush and could never happen. Because his whole life had been revolving around the thought of Rosaline for the past months, it makes you realise that the feelings between Juliet and Romeo must be strong for Romeo to totally stop wanting Rosaline so suddenly. When Romeo was feeling depressed about Rosaline, Benvolio was trying to cheer him up. Benvolio tried to make Romeo fancy other women, he said I will make you think thy swan of crow when Romeo describes Juliet, he says So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows. Here, Romeo is echoing Benvolios words, which helps to show that he is not depressed about Rosaline any more, and isnt going to mope around and shut himself away. When Romeo and Juliet talk to the nurse (separately), they both find out that each other are members of the opposite house to them. Romeo says to the Nurse What is her mother? This signifies that Juliets mother has a high position, which she does, because she is Lady Capulet. The nurse answers Romeos question by saying: Her mother is the lady of the house, And a good lady, and a wise and virtuous This shows that she is respected. Also, the Nurse says that the man to marry Juliet will be very rich. I think that the way Juliet exclaims when she finds out who Romeo is, is really good at showing how she feels, she says: My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d enemy This is quite easy to understand; Juliet is expressing her feelings about Romeo, and finding out that he is a Montague. The best part of this, I think is the bit where she says -My only love sprung from my only hate-. This explains well how she feels, and basically means that the only man she has true feelings for is part of the only family who all of her family truly hate. When Juliet asks the nurse who Romeo is, or what Romeo is, the nurse doesnt tell her this is because she wanted to protect her, and didnt want her to be upset. When Romeo and Juliet talk with the nurse, it shows their feelings at the sudden disappointment as soon as they find out. It is important, as you know their feelings when they first met, now you know their feelings when they first find out, and you can also see how their feelings progress through the story, knowing that they are from two households whos lives revolve around hating the other family.
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